Escher: An NFT platform dedicated to fine art editions

Assignment: Create a brand identity utilizing inspiration from M.C. Escher that does not overpower the art editions featured throughout the product.
Solution: Inspired by the design inspiration words of “elegant, grayscale, minimal, and repetitive” we created a mark that is derived from the shapes and lines inside Escher’s spherical tesselations. He created a guide he used for all of his work, and from that we simplified it to the logo you see today. The mark also provokes the idea of movement across a canvas.

Contributions - 
Brand Design: Stefani Billings 
Product Design: Brandy Shin, Klemen Selakovič
Stakeholders: Andy Chorlian
Logomark + Logotype

Typography UI Example

Solution: While designing the brand, I wanted to showcase how the typography would work within the UI of the product. This was a guideline that the product designers then took and created the website. I wanted to showcase how each font interacted with one another at different sizes and when to use which font. This shows how to keep things minimal and light within the design - all while allowing the product designers freedom to iterate upon the actual website.

Minimalist Color Palette

Solution: We focused on a grayscale palette for the website to connect to the majority of M.C. Escher’s art - which is black and white or graphite/charcoal drawings. We also wanted the artists who are featured on the platform to have their own colors stand out. The state colors were inspired by some of M.C. Escher’s colored tessellations - shown here.

NFTNYC Art Party Event

Problem: Create a themed event to introduce Escher to the masses at NFTNYC.
Solution: Spirograph party - create your own spirograph on an editioned and branded poster. We would digitize each one at the event and create an NFT you can own of your own work. T-shirts were also available with the Escher logo tesselating in a spirograph-inspired form.

Note: A spirograph is Spirograph is a geometric drawing device that produces mathematical roulette curves. Spirographs have similar visual properties to a tesselation, which is the subject of the art M.C. Escher and our brand was inspired by.